I bought a big box of bottled wing sauces from Alliger’s House of Wings. Located in Sayre, PA, Alliger’s has some of the best bottled sauces I’ve ever had. I cannot get enough of them. House of Wings Kamikaze wings sauce is no exception. It’s nice and spicy. No wimpy sauce here, that’s for sure. It’s different and very good. It has hints of being a traditional kicked-up Buffalo wing sauce. But then comes the soy sauce. And horseradish. And ginger. See, I told you it was different.

Think Buffalo. Think Asian.
My only complaint about House of Wings Kamikaze wings sauce is that I didn’t order enough of it or any of their other flavors. Don’t do like I did and order one or two of each bottle. Back up the truck. Get a lot of each one. You won’t regret getting a bunch of them. You will regret not getting enough.
Remember that if you have to refrigerate your open bottle of wing sauce to let it sit out on the counter for at least 30 minutes before using. You don’t want to ‘shock’ hot, just-cooked wings with a cold sauce.
Also try House of Wings Singapore wings!
Check out my always-growing list of over 200 favorite store-bought wing sauces and seasonings!
House of Wings Kamikaze Wings
- 3-4 pounds chicken wings flats and drumettes separated, tips saved to make stock
- House of Wings Kamikaze Wing Sauce
- Toss wings with sauce before serving. Click here for our guide on how to sauce your wings.
Nutritional values are approximate and will not include any store-bought wing sauce or seasoning nutritional values.