Stubb’s recently came out with a line of marinades and what they call anytime sauces. Our local grocery store had them all on sale, so I grabbed two or three bottles of each and headed on home with thoughts of the many things I was going to use them in. First up? Wings of course, so I grabbed a bottle of Anytime sauce and went to work making a batch of Stubb’s Texas Sriracha wings!

Fantastic Flavor With The Right Kick
The heat from the Texas sriracha sauce isn’t overpowering. Great flavor and a bit of a kick. It’s what I’d call the perfect bottled sauce, and absolutely the best thing for Stubb’s Texas Sriracha wings (or grilled chicken, or steak for that matter). It makes for the perfect (kicked up) substitute for the ‘normal’ Sriracha sauce you already use.
Also try Stubb’s black pepper wings.
Check out my always-growing list of over 200 favorite store-bought wing sauces and seasonings!
Stubb’s Texas Sriracha Wings
- 3-4 pounds chicken wings flats and drumettes separated, tips saved to make stock
- Stubb's Texas Sriracha Anytime Sauce
- Toss wings in sauce before serving. Click here for our guide on how to sauce your wings.
Nutritional values are approximate and will not include any store-bought wing sauce or seasoning nutritional values.