True enough, after even the first batch of Plucker’s Vampire Killer wings we no longer had vampires in our home. A little honey and molasses sweetness. A little spicy cayenne. And a WHOLE lot of garlic. You won’t be huntin’ around for the garlic in this wonderful wing sauce. It’s comes right at you. But it’s not so much that you get a garlic burn. It’s smooooooth and tasty and one of the best wing sauces you can find. So if you love garlic like I do, grab yourself a bottle or two and get to making some wings!

Garlic. Glorious Garlic. And Lots Of It.
Plucker’s Vampire Killer wing sauce is just the right consistency for wings. Not too thick and not too thin. Like all of Plucker’s wing sauces, which I’ve been enjoying immensely. You don’t want to pass on this sauce if you even remotely like garlic with a little heat and a whole lot of flavor.
Make some Plucker’s Bakers Gold wings too!
Check out my always-growing list of over 200 favorite store-bought wing sauces and seasonings!
Plucker’s Vampire Killer Wings
- 3-4 pounds chicken wings flats and drumettes separated, tips saved to make stock
- Plucker's Vampire Killer Wing Sauce
- Toss wings with sauce before serving. Click here for our guide on how to sauce your wings.
Nutritional values are approximate and will not include any store-bought wing sauce or seasoning nutritional values.