Oh, glorious wing sauce, you! Croix Valley Garlic Ginger Teriyaki Wings are the sauced-up wings of my dreams. Ya know, I love the heck out of the Croix Valley dry seasoning with the same name and flavors. Then they went and put those wonderful Asian-inspired flavors into a bottle of sauce. Oh me oh my, what good stuff this is!

A Real Winner of a Wing Sauce
Croix Valley Garlic Ginger Teriyaki Wings bring a nice soy sauce flavor. They’re on the sweeter side, but not overly sweet. The garlic and ginger flavors are there, but kinda in the background, adding to the party but not being obnoxious. This is an all-around fantastic sauce, a real winner.
More is Better
When you pick up some of this sauce, get extra. A whole lot extra. You’re going to want it for brushing on grilled chicken quarters. Or whole chicken. Slather it on grilled shrimp, or us it as a dipping sauce instead. Ever had grilled or smoked Asian-flavored ribs? Well, now’s your chance to have the best ones around.
Also try my Croix Valley hickory barbecue dry wings.
Check out my always-growing list of over 200 favorite store-bought wing sauces and seasonings!
Croix Valley Garlic Ginger Teriyaki Wings
- 3-4 pounds chicken wings flats and drumettes separated, tips saved to make stock
- Croix Valley Garlic Ginger Teriyaki Wing sauce to taste
- Toss wings with sauce before serving. Click here for our guide on how to sauce your wings.
Nutritional values are approximate and will not include any store-bought wing sauce or seasoning nutritional values.