These Market District Zesty Dill Pickle wings are… dill-icious! There, I said it. I knew I would. The name says it all. Zesty. Dill. Pickle. They aren’t lying, nope. I’m a huge fan of dill pickles, specially the juice left in the jars after I devour all of the pickles. Boy does it ever make for good chicken wing marinade! But I digress! Now I can get all of that great dill flavor, now in a bottled wing sauce that is yummy creamy to boot!!

Different. And Very Good.
There’s no mistaking the dill flavor in the Market District Zesty Dill Pickle wings sauce. That’s what, we’re here for, right? We didn’t pick up a bottle of this sauce expecting Thai-inspired flavors. Or traditional Buffalo wing flavors. Nope, we’re here for that in-your-face dill and vinegar flavor that we all know and love! Get you some, fellow pickle lovers!
Also try some great Market District creamy Buffalo blue cheese wings!
Check out my always-growing list of over 200 favorite store-bought wing sauces and seasonings!
Market District Zesty Dill Pickle Wings
- 3-4 pounds chicken wings flats and drumettes separated, tips saved to make stock
- Market District Zesty Dill Pickle Wing sauce
- Toss wings with sauce before serving. Click here for our guide on how to sauce your wings.
Nutritional values are approximate and will not include any store-bought wing sauce or seasoning nutritional values.